Music Video Of The Day

music video of the day: "Altar Coals" by Anamai

Here's the truth: I love Anamai's EP so much.  I cannot get enough of it. It sinks deeper into my skin upon each listen. As the wind gets colder and fall starts to settle in, find comfort in these warm echoes . 

Here's where you can find more of her music: Bandcamp & iTunes

Here are her tour dates: 
September 19th - Ottawa, ON - Gabba Hey* 
September 20th - Montreal, QC - The Cult, Fattal Lofts
September 21st New York, NY - Goodbye Blue Monday
Septmeber 26th Guelph, ON - Cornerstone*
November 4th - Toronto, ON, The Great Hall ^ 

* with Black Walls
^ with Waxahatchee

music video of the day: “Ooo” by Karen O (Ft. Elle Fanning & Dir. Spike Jonze)

On Sunday we made a one-act play for my friend Humberto’s company, Opening Ceremony. The idea was to do a play instead of a regular fashion show during Fashion Week, and, miraculously, we were able to do it at the New York Metropolitan Opera House. (Thank you, Peter Gelb and everyone at the Met!) Also, this week my dear friend Karen is putting out her first solo album of precious, personal love and heartache gems titled Crush Songs. They are songs made so intimately and spontaneously alone in her bedroom a few years ago that they feel more like unguarded whispers from her heart than a traditionally produced album. So on Sunday, during a ten-minute break as we were rehearsing and lighting at the Met, we made a very impromptu "music video” for Karen in the spirit of her album. It just seemed like if you have the Opera House, that song, and Elle Fanning together, you shouldn't let the opportunity go by. So we made this as a surprise gift for Karen to congratulate her on her album. She is going to see this for the first time as you do. I hope you enjoy.  

— Spike Jonze

I love Karen O. I love Spike Jonze. I'm crying at my desk. 

See also: Karen O giving advice below.

music video of the day: "Nah" by Junglepussy

"How dope is this? Teach you how to grow and live."

Because this shit is goddess status.
Because you can't fake real and Junglepussy is the realest. 
Because her mixtape Satisfaction Guaranteed lives up to its' title. Check it out below. 

And because...